Chard Town Council established its Youth Council back in October 2021 and have continued to meet with them on a half termly basis since.  Youth Councillors are selected from the year 11 students attending Holyrood Academy annually, with the consistent aim of giving young people in Chard an opportunity to constructively voice their thoughts about the needs of the town. The council grant an annual budget to its Youth Council and this is used towards their ideas, projects and events taking place in the town. These projects have benefited the town and its community in a number of positive ways.

Some of the areas discussed or projects developed within the Youth Council have been:

  • Climate change and recycling
  • Young people’s services
  • Involvement with Culturally Chard
  • Involvement with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations
  • Development of play areas
  • Development of the youth club
  • Tree planting
  • Involvement with Chard Area Resilience Group
  • Ideas on improving lighting and safety within the town
  • Cleanliness and policing of parks
  • The improvement of transport links
  • The improvement of other facilities in the town
  • Consultation with Wicksteed on improvements to Upper Henson Park
  • Establishing a carers cafe drop in (“Holyrood Happy Hour”) on a fortnightly basis at the Guildhall
  • Completing a Christmas project, which involved a treasure trail (“find the elf”) around the town and involving local business Barons
  • Setting up a family fun day event – to be held in the Guildhall in Easter 2024
  • Establishing new social media channels (“Chard Wave”) with the intention of capturing and promoting activity happening in Chard specific to young people. Please find below links to accessing these channels below:


Tik Tok

